Als Unternehmer sind Sie verantwortlich für Ihre Produkte / Dienstleistungen und auch für Ihre Angestellten. Wir beraten Sie gerne zu sinnvollen Lösungen wie Sie Ihr Fahrhabe sowie Ihre Angestellten und sich selbst optimal absichern.
Motor vehicle / fleet insurance
With a fleet contract, you benefit from many advantages.
You have only one contact person for all motor vehicle insurances. All your vehicles are insured in one policy and you receive only one invoice for all vehicles. The insured vehicles are clearly listed in the policy with all important information about the premiums and the selected insurance coverage. You have a fixed bonus for all vehicles (also for new vehicles in the fleet). All vehicles benefit from the service package.
Inventory / property insurance
In analogy to private household insurance, you can insure your business furniture and equipment and machinery (for example, EDP equipment) against fire and natural hazards, burglary and robbery, and water damage. The sum insured should correspond to the replacement value of the equipment and should be reviewed from time to time.
Supplementary business interruption insurance: A loss event is often associated with a business interruption. Business interruption insurance compensates you for lost revenue when one of the above events occurs.
Supplementary insurance for general technical equipment (ATA): In many cases, you are dependent on expensive technical equipment in the course of your business. If this equipment breaks down or is damaged as a result of external factors (incorrect manipulation, carelessness, negligence), the ATA supplementary insurance covers the damage caused to the equipment in question.
As a business owner, you are confronted with risks on a daily basis. Some are part of doing business, others are better avoided. To protect you from the financial consequences of property damage, we recommend taking out business property insurance.
BVG pension fund
What is the aim of occupational pension provision? The AHV, IV and occupational pension plans have a common goal: to enable insured persons and their dependents to continue living as they are accustomed to in old age, in the event of disability or death. Which employees are compulsorily insured? All employees subject to AHV contributions are insured from January 1 after their 17th birthday for the risks of disability and death and from January 1 after their 24th birthday additionally for retirement benefits. An annual salary of over CHF 21,510 is insured. This salary marks the entry threshold for mandatory insurance under the BVG.
Collective daily sickness allowance
According to the Federal Law on Accident Insurance of March 20, 1981 (UVG), accident insurance is mandatory for all employees working in Switzerland. With its benefits, accident insurance helps to make good the damage to health and gainful employment that occurs when insured persons have an accident or fall ill at work.
Who is covered by compulsory accident insurance? All employees working in Switzerland are subject to compulsory accident insurance. You are considered to be an employee if you are gainfully employed within the meaning of the AHV.
Cyber and tech insurance
Cyber insurance is an optional supplementary insurance for companies that covers damages in connection with hacker attacks or other acts of cybercrime. ... the terms cyber protection, cyber protect, data protect, data protection insurance, data risk, cyber coverage or hacker insurance. Technical insurance serves to protect your technical equipment and installations, such as air conditioning, ventilation, lifts, cooling systems, cash machines, etc.

We have been working successfully with various partners for many years so that we can offer you comprehensive solutions in all areas.